Margarita can
Referanse 202503013
Distribution Basic, possible one-lot
Deadline September 5, 2024
Launch Date March 6, 2024
Quality criteria Raw material quality, added raw material , Concentration
Price Maximum EXW 1,3 € per can (25cl) 2 € per can (50cl)
Product Requirements
Country Norway
Product Type Aromatised wine product
Packaging Aluminium can
Unit size Max. 50 cl
Type of offer Samples
Estimated Volume 15 000 - 20 000 liter
Other Requirements

1) Style: Margarita
2) Margarita must appear on the front of the packaging
3) Flavoured with lime
4) No spirits added
5) Min. 50,0 g/l sugar
6) Min. 8 % and max. 14,5 % alcohol on packaging 7) Only one offer per producer. If more than one offer is submitted by the same producer, only the lowest priced offer will be assessed, regardless of wholesaler
8) For offers from USA, the «Statement on Responsible Recruitment and Decent Working Conditions» must accompany the offer
9) If purchased for the basic range, the packaging must be included in Norway’s deposit system for refundable packaging

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