Traditional method
Referanse 202503001
Distribution Basic, possible one-lot
Deadline September 5, 2024
Launch Date March 6, 2024
Quality criteria Mouthfeel , Aromatic quality
Price Maximum FOB 3,5 € per bottle
Product Requirements
Country Australia
Product Type Sparkling white wine
Packaging Glass bottle
Quality/Appellation GI from Australia
Unit size 75 cl
Type of offer Samples
Estimated Volume 20 000 - 25 000 bottles
Other Requirements

1) Based on 100 % Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and/or Pinot Meunier
2) Traditional method
3) Min. 12 months ageing on lees (written confirmation from producer must accompany the offer) 4) A max. bottle weight of 835 g is encouraged

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